Mindful Flow
December 30, 2024

Warm-up with child's pose @ 0:01
Yuko guides the participant through a child's pose to bring awareness to the breath, focusing on relaxing the back and slowly rounding the spine.

Cat-cow flow @ 1:27
Yuko leads the participant through a series of cat-cow poses, emphasizing lengthening the spine, engaging the core, and moving with the breath.

Lunge and twist @ 2:24
The participant steps the right foot forward into a lunge, then twists the torso to the right, focusing on lengthening the spine and opening the chest.

Warrior II and side angle @ 8:49
Yuko cues the participant through Warrior II pose, then transitions to a side angle pose, highlighting external rotation of the shoulders and lengthening the sides of the body.

Tabletop and backbends @ 13:48
The participant moves into a tabletop position, focusing on lifting the chest and engaging the core. Yuko then guides them through a series of gentle backbends.

Seated twists and side bends @ 16:07
The participant transitions to a seated position and explores twists and side bends, using the hands and legs to deepen the stretches.

Forward folds and final relaxation @ 20:16
The session concludes with a series of forward folds, allowing the participant to release tension in the back and neck. Yuko then guides the participant into a final relaxation pose.
