#3 Recording from 01/25/2025
January 25, 2024


Key Takeaways
Focus on breath and body awareness
Gentle stretching and strengthening poses
Relaxation and letting go


Warm Up
Sit comfortably, focus on breath
Shoulders relaxed, big exhale
Empty body and soften from inside
Lean forward, then exhale and relax
Lift crown of head on inhale, relax shoulders on exhale
Open hips and stretch spine on inhale, relax throat on exhale

Tilt pelvis back to open front body on inhale
Tilt pelvis forward to round back on exhale
Repeat cat/cow tilts with breath

Press forearms together and twist on exhale
Engage obliques and feel twist along whole side
Deepen twist with each exhale

Downward Facing Dog
Lift one leg up, flex and point toes
Stretch front of lifted leg on inhale, relax on exhale
Repeat on second side

Standing Forward Bend
Flat back, tailbone back, crown of head forward
Engage core and lengthen spine
Walk hands to side, open hips

Crescent Lunge
Back foot steps up to high lunge
Lift arms overhead on inhale
Hands to heart center on exhale

Pigeon Pose
Left foot down, right hoot on the left tigh.
Engage core and press foot and tigh each other.

Reclined Twist
Hug knees to chest after pigeon pose
Drop knees to side, arms out in T shape
Deep exhales to soften and relax

Final relaxation, let body melt into floor
Inhale to welcome freshness, exhale to let go
Next Steps
Continue focusing on breath in daily life
Incorporate gentle stretches after waking and before sleep
Schedule next private or group yoga session
